Friday, April 21, 2017

Blog Post #9

Contributions to the Student Juried Exhibition:

    Fixed postcard to prepare for printing (3/23; 1 hour)
    Gathered and typed information for website (3/24; 1.5 hours)
    Chose images of the work to go on website (3/24; 0.5 hour)
    Constructed the check-in/check-out sheet (3/24; 0.5 hour)
    Took pictures of all the artwork and the labels on the back to construct the exhibition list (3/31; 1.5 hours)
    Helped complete and print the exhibition list (4/4; 1.5 hours)
    Called campus security to remind them of exhibition (for parking situation) and tried to order parking permit for juror (4/18; 0.25 hour)
    Checked over catering order information (4/18; 0.25 hour)
    Photographed the exhibition (4/19; 0.5 hour)
    Photographed the reception (4/20; 1 hour)

1. What was the biggest challenge in completing your task?

            I felt like the biggest challenge in completing my tasks was when I had started on a task and was unaware that someone else had also been working on the same task. After spending an hour and a half on it, then I was told that someone else had already done all the work I had been doing. I felt like it was a waste of time, and I could have been using that time to complete something else that needed to be done.

2. What did you learn from this challenge?

            I learned (or maybe relearned) that it is very difficult to work with a large group of people on one project. Everyone has different ideas and work ethics, which would make combining efforts on a singular project to be a difficult task. It is important to listen to everyone’s opinions and ideas and then decide which plan would be best for the given project. 

3. What would you do differently if involved in the juried student exhibition in the future? This is an opportunity for self-reflection rather than other-directed criticism.

           If I was involved in the Juried Student Exhibition again, I would make sure that there was a checklist of everything that needs to be completed for the exhibition. As students start a task they would write the date when the task was started and write the date again when the task was finished. The checklist could be kept in a central location so everyone could find it and sign off on it after starting and completing each task. This would help from having two people working on the same task and not knowing that someone else had already been working on it.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for all of your hard work; I hope that even if you were duplicating what had already been done that you learned something from the process . . . I realize it may be frustrating, but if you had not done it before then it least you now have. Working with a group is indeed difficult especially on a project with so many moving parts. I think that each committee could have generated their own task list. It seems to me just handing a list for a committee to sign off on eliminates a valuable learning experience about planning and preparing. In a job you will not be given a checklist and in many galleries you would not be given one either.
